Welcome To SpaceCat

SpaceCat is a collector and hobby shop. We specialize in comics, Magic The Gathering, Pokemon, Yugioh, and vintage video games. We are the largest store in the San Jose area and the oldest, established in 1978. We carry a full line of new and back issue comics and graphic novels, as well as collecting supplies. We also buy all these items and collectibles from the public.


We are now open from 10:00 AM until 9:00 PM Monday through Friday,  and 10:00 AM until 8:00 PM Saturday and Sunday.  We hold Magic the Gathering FNM events every Friday at 7:00 PM and Saturday Night Commander events every Saturday at 7:00 PM.  See our Gaming Calendar for details.

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We at SpaceCat now offer a wide range of custom designs and prints tailored to your specific needs. T-shirts, posters, and so much more!
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