Our Magic turnout regularly
has 6-10 friendly players per evening.
We strive for a fun, competitive Magic environment. Ask us for help
and know the
Magic Rules.
NOTE: As of Murders at Karlov Manor, all booster drafts and
Sealed events use the new Play Booster Packs, which are
essentially a fusion of Draft and Sealed packs.
Friday Night Magic - 7:00 PM - Draft
($24.00 +tax)
3-0: 3 Play packs or a Free Draft!
2-1: 2 Play packs
1-2: 1 Play pack
Draft FAQ's:
- Each player receives
3 packs to draft with the other players.
- All players who win at least one matches get a pack for
each match they won
- First place players in each pod will get a premium promo pack for the set we draft. Second place will get a regular promo pack.
As of Core Set
2020, the special prize is one of the Universal Prize Packs.
Going 3-0 guarantees a pack (which will be a premium all foil
pack on Fridays), second place gets a non-foil pack, and we
usually give last place a non-foil pack as a consolation prize.
For Murders at Karlov Manor these packs each contain 4 cards:
one of five alternate art promo cards, one promo stamped rare or
mythic rare from Murders at Karlov Manor, one promo stamped rare
or mythic rare from any other Standard legal set, and one code
card good for a booster pack of Murders at Karlov Manor in Magic the Gathering
Sealed Tournaments
are $34.99 plus tax
Standard Tournaments are $8 plus tax
Players seeking other formats of MTG, let
us know on
our Facebook page,
and we will do our best to support more MTG play.